AudioCap Copper Series
TFTCu - TeflonTM and Copper (Film/Foil)
The TFTCu series of TeflonTM and foil capacitors exhibit superb electrical and environmental characteristics. Unlike other manufacturers that that spray the ends of their copper capacitors with tin and tin alloys, we spray the ends with copper, thus minimizing the potential electron energy barrier that occurs between dissimilar materials. Leads are 99.99% oxygen-free OFHC copper with Teflon insulation. Having electrical properties that allow it to withstand temperatures up to 200°C, these capacitors are ideal for use in in applications such as audio electronics, aerospace, temperature compensating circuits, integrating circuits, R-C networks, and other hazardous environments.
Capacitance Values:
As shown below. Special values on request.
5%, 2%, 1%
Working Voltage:
As shown below.
Test Voltage:
1.5 x rated voltage for one minute.
Dissipation Factor:
≤ 5.0x10-4 @ 1 KHz at 25°C
Insulation Resistance:
3,000,000 megaohms/uF; not to exceed 5,000,000 megaohms.
Operating Temp. Range:
-55°C to +200°C without derating.